Leaders And Employers Tips During Covid-19

1.         Share Information Only From Reputable Sources

This should be from sources such as:

•           Public Health Wales

•           Health Protection Scotland

•           Public Health England

It is highly important not to encourage employees or people to share information and articles from other sources. Remember, there are many discussions on social media and the media based on the rapidly evolving field of research. It is essential to stick to reliable sources for any official communication. Read more here about how Quanta is supporting the development of a vaccine so things can begin the journey back to normality.

2.         Consider Who Needs The Information And When

At the moment, many employees are wondering and planning on how they will cope during the outbreak. As such, it is paramount to carefully consider who will need to be involved in the planning and when. Taking these steps will help minimize gossip and anxiety.

3.         Often Communicate With Your People

It is highly essential to keep a regular and most possibly daily contact – both with the general population, supervisors, and managers. Always be honest, authentic, and sincere in what you communicate. Begin by acknowledging the uncertainty and the stress it causes. If you do not know, simply say that you do not know, and you will come back with answers when you get them.

This is important, no matter if it is your employees or home. Remember, you are the primary contact between the organization and its employee. As such, if you want to achieve consistently applied advice and policies, the employees will need more information than you will provide all staff.

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4.         Consider Other’s Mental Health

It is believed that everyone has some kind of mental health issues, and no matter the situation, the covid-19 outbreak is surely going to have some kind of impact on how everybody is thinking and feeling. A good working environment is excellent for mental health, and it is vital to preserving the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of work as much as possible.

There are those who are at greater risk of poor mental health, and this is why it is essential to plan a response by considering how it will affect employees of different characteristics (such as disability, age, sex, race, sexual orientation, and so on).  Keep in mind that people of Asian or Italian backgrounds may face discriminatory behaviors and, therefore, it is wise to adjust accordingly. In any action, you decide to take, consider mental health.

5.         The Many Faces Of Vulnerability

There is a lot of talk about physical vulnerabilities when it comes to coronavirus. However, the senior managers will also feel vulnerable when it comes to demonstrating leadership in this unusual circumstance. To help everyone stay composed, encourage and remind everyone how good a job they are doing.

This may be a trying time for people with pre-existing or past mental health problems. Staying at home can bring back memories of bad times to those who have experienced trauma or depression. Know your people and do extra to those who are more vulnerable if you notice a change of behavior.

This is a period where people might disclose mental health problems they previously did not discuss before at work. Treat any new disclosure with respect and compassion.

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6.         Encourage Access To Support

As a leader, you may be needed to provide access to support services through your workplace. If you do, it is crucial to ensure the services are advertised well and find out and identify if there are specific resources related to the outbreak.

Make sure employees or the people know where to turn to or talk to internally. If you have first aiders or mental health champions, it is wise to ensure they have the latest information.

7.         Use Technology For Work And Social Aspect Of Work

Provide all the necessary technical equipment and support for the staff to keep in touch with one another and the management. Provide all the advice required for those not used to working this way, to regain their confidence. Inspire people to maintain informal conversations as well, if they are working virtually. Maintain all messenger platforms like MS Teams, Slack, Text Messages, and calls.

You can try video call lunches, coffee, or virtual birthday celebrations. It is a good idea to consider checking up daily with teams and even managing a weekly briefing.

8.         Encourage Growth Opportunities And Development Along With Crisis Planning

Take into account other tasks that can be done regularly when the business is disrupted. This may involve staff development, planning, and even catching up on admin jobs that are possible to do. All this can be used to ready a business when businesses will resume. If possible, you can support local food banks and connecting staff members to volunteering opportunities and support schemes for the community.

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9.         Personal Planning And Self-Care

 It is important to inspire employees or your people to plan for how they will manage under quarantine or self-isolation. Frequently check for regular update advice from us and encourage people to discuss their plans with the line managers. It is wise to keep in touch with those who are self-isolating or at home social distancing with symptoms. Therefore, if you are putting on a virtual social event for staff such as daily creative challenges, virtual book-groups, or puzzles, it is wise to make sure that people at home are also included.