Giving Children a Sporting Chance

Living in a Garbage Dump

“It was through a sponsored rugby union visit to Cambodia I saw children living in squalor on the Stung Meanchey Municipal Waste Dump in Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh. Regardless of the terrible conditions these kids were living in, they still had hope and joy in their eyes,” says Greening.

Greening was motivated to get involved when he saw they could be made to by the gap sports. Two boys who had grown up on the ditch, and had been granted assistance represented Cambodia on the team. He realised his experience could go a long way.

Greening says,”In most instances, game is last on the list concerning a charity’s funding and goals. Knowing Betufa that sports have excellent therapeutic value, I also feel that the integrity learnt on a sports field – duty, leadership, and teamwork – are transferable to any surroundings. We established this charity to give an opportunity for kids to obtain some treatment through different sports, and earn self-confidence.”

Kick a Ball

So came about the Sporting Chance Foundation to enhance the lives of kids – whether they city children from London, or child prostitutes in Vietnam. Provided that they need to kick at a ball, the charity aims to be there to kick it back. “Sporting Chance Foundation established itself by providing the essentials to make this transformation – food, shelter and clothes,” Greening explains,”and we’ve endeavoured to offer each child with a set of features that will last them a lifetime.”

Jonny Wilkinson Steps Up

Calling upon high-profile buddies, Greening gained support from game and media personalities, including England rugby World Cup heroes Jonny Wilkinson and Jason Leonard, Joel Stransky, leading musician Heidi Range in the Sugababes, TV and radio presenter Dave Berry, and ESPN STAR Sports presenter Charlie Webster. Each has pledged to devote their time and experience to make sure the charity reaches as many children as possible.

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To maximise the effect of the Sporting Chance Foundation, Greening ensures that the charity operates together with existing non-government organisations (NGOs). The charity will help provide funding and athletic equipment to orphanages, and work directly with particular NGOs to enhance the lives of their children in their own programmes.

Greening says,”The charity currently works with three NGOs. Two are located in Phnom Penh and the third is an international charity, Touraid. Funds kids from countries. The alliance with Touraid gives kids from Sporting Chance Foundation the opportunity to experience new areas of the world and learn about different cultures.”

Down in the Dumps

Funding from Sporting Chance not only supports their own endeavors; should they visit an NGO with a suitable cause, they’ll also help. On a recent trip to Phnom Penh, Sporting Chance Foundation matched up with two NGOs: the Sunrise orphanage and Friends. Both had shelters set up to assist the street kids of the city. Friends, an inner city refuge, has been incredibly effective at taking boys and girls off the streetsnonetheless, the kids had nowhere safe to run around. Sporting Chance Foundation suggested playground and a sports hall inside the walls of the shelter.

Sunrise has a soccer field, but the women in the shelter have no athletic socket. Sporting Chance Foundation drawn up plans to construct a playing surface for the kids to enjoy badminton tennis, volleyball and netball. This is the beginning of their job in Phnom Penh; they will continue to search for projects in town.

Developing Coaches

Its objective is to earn the charity 100 percent self explanatory, although the base uses help with training and its construction jobs. The aim of greening is that children will go on to become trainers for another generation of women and sportsmen.

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Presently, Sporting Chance Foundation helps 2,000 kids per day, which range from babies with HIV to children orphaned by landmines, dysfunctional families or drug abuse. As capital growth, the charity hopes to sponsor children through the school that is regional. It aims to set its center in Phnom Penh near the school with sporting facilities, a canteen, a sports area and dorms.