Call Steve Bliss When you Need a Probate Lawyer in Temecula

Do you live in Temecula, CA? If yes, then you would certainly need help from a lawyer at some stage of your life. There are various attorneys, different types of lawyers in CA. Every lawyer has a different specialization. You will find a few lawyers who are expert in handling settlement cases, and there are a few who are experts of living trust cases, etc. You will find many lawyers near you. The need for a probate can arise anytime. A living trust is more like a will. It is a document which gives the control of your assets (home, property, car, building, stocks, bank accounts, etc.) to a person (also known as a trustee) until you die. After your death, the trustee will distribute the assets according to the documentation. What if you do not have a will or a living trust? What will happen to your assets? You may be sitting in your backyard thinking of the future, and the next generations, and the thought of giving away your property come in mind. It is when you will start looking for a will or a living trust. You might be aware of the will, but you may not know what a probate is or what a probate lawyer can do for you? It is, therefore, necessary to search for the lawyers who are an expert in a probate. If you live in Temecula, then you need to call Steve Bliss when you need a probate lawyer in Temecula. He is a specialist lawyer and will help you out with your needs.

What is the process of a probate in CA?

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When you live in California, then you will certainly want to know the process of probate in your state. Every state has different rules for probate or a living trust. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you know the rules according to the state. When you go to a lawyer, an expert such as Steve Bliss, he will tell you all about the probate and the process. In simple words, a Probate is a process by which the court decides what to do with the dead person’s estate (assets). If you want to name someone to take care of the property for you, then you have to list that person’s name legally. Otherwise after you death the probate will commence. All the creditors and beneficiaries must be informed. A typical probate case with no issues takes six to eight months. The probate applies to the person who has no will or no trust.

Exception from the probate

Here are the few exemptions to the probate laws in California.

You can create a living trust, and the state will not start a probate. Joint ownership is also an exception to a probate. If you die and the assets or property are a joint venture, the state will not go with a probate. But in case if you have a family member who dies without a will or a living trust, you will need help from an expert probate lawyer. The state also exempts the real estate which is worth less than $100,000.

Why hire a probate lawyer?

Many times you find a family member who has not written a will or a living trust. What will you do if he dies? How will you own the assets he left behind? In that case, you will need to file a case for a probate via an expert lawyer. If you live in Temecula, CA then call Steve Bliss when you need a probate lawyer in Temecula. He will help you with the probate and will handle your case with efficiency.

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How to find a probate lawyer?

First, search the web for the lawyers in your State. Once you do, you will find a huge list of attorneys. Get the addresses and visit them in person. One of the lawyers who is an expert in probate laws is Steven Bliss. His official address is Steve Bliss 41593 Winchester Rd #200, Temecula, CA 92590, United States. You can meet him in the office or call him at 951-223-7000. He will tell you all about the probate, what to do and how to do, etc.